Sunday, July 13, 2014

Definition of HAMAS

I Googled "meaning of Hamas in Arabic".
Found this: "enthusiasm".

Now everyone knows Arabs, or rather Yishmaelites, and Jews go back 6 generations before Moses, when Hagar gave birth to Yishmael. So no wonder many words in Arabic have Hebrew as their source.

Hamas in Hebrew means robbery (Gen. 6:11 - see Rashi). But for Yishmael, the robber, it was more than that. He was enthusiastic about it. He was also a murderer and enthusiastic about that too (Gen. 21:9 - see Rashi). This latter fact the world can easily witness today as Muslims enthusiastically chop off heads, hands, mutilate, torture, hang, kidnap, rape, undermine, ... you get the enthusiastic picture.

So Hamas in Arabic went from meaning "robbery" to meaning "enthusiasm" in the course of time, as a natural progression for its lustful bloodthirst.

This is my conjecture of the lingual "coincidence".

See too:
The Psychology of Islam.

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