Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Transparency of Jewish Identity

Jew and Gentile may look alike, but hardly think or behave alike. Nowadays, given the plague of Reformism in America many Jews contracted from birth, and the blight of an inferiority complex Zionism infected Israelis with, this assertion is less apparent but, nonetheless, should hold true. For this is what our holy Torah expects of Jews. In the portion "Ki Tavo" it says, "All nations of the world will see the name of God conferred upon you." (Deut. 28:10).

We learn therefrom that Jews must radiate an aura of holiness in Gentile eyes, so God's presence be made tangible.

When Jews pray, study Torah or involved in doing ceremonial mitzvot, the occasion cannot draw a good comparison, for the Jew does these activities isolated from the public. When can resemblance to a Jew spur comparative evaluation by the Gentile? When the Jew is preoccupied with permissible activities beyond those of ritual. Only where they overlap, can behaviors be evaluated for their genuine differences. For example, in the way the Jew eats, drinks, or conducts business. In such cases the Jew must project an identifiable, "holy" ingredient.

Those behaviors shared by all peoples - that's where the Jew must convey "holiness". That's the behavior the Gentile should recognize uniquely Jewish in that it reflects a consideration of God's presence.

When God chose the Jewish people, not only were their souls chosen - but their bodies too were chosen. For this reason, everything a Jew does must reflect this chosen-ness. That which resides in the innermost recesses of the Jewish heart must also find expression in everything he does. The strong light of the refined Jewish soul easily can diffuse through its course bodily prism to continually broadcast God's presence to the observer.

1 comment:

WomanHonorThyself said...

how tragic that so many are self hating and deny their own essence! God speed!
